Saturday, July 16, 2005

Are you Adam Phillips

I just sent this email from my gmail account:

From: Adam Phillips
To: (Loads of other people called Adam Phillips, also at

Hi everyone,

My name is Adam Phillips and quite recently I have been receiving a number of emails into my gmail account which appear to be genuine - i.e. not spam - but no intended for me. One nice person was kind enough to realise their mistake and got back in touch to let me know. It turns out she was trying to get hold of her son who's email adress is very similar.

This started me thinking that there's probably quite a few Adam Phillips' around the place, and now I am kind of curious as to who you all are. I won't be offended if you don't write back, but you must admit you are curious too, right?

A few years ago a UK comedian, Dave Gorman - - went on a half year trip around the world, meeting other people with the same name. He wrote a book about it too -, Now I am not proposing we all do the same, but it's oddly comforting to know there's a few other Adam Phillips' (or Adam Philips') around the world.

So who are you? What do you all do? Where do you all live? Are there more in the UK than the rest of the world? Do any of you know of any other Adam Phillips'?

Your's in anticipation,
Adam Phillips

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