Tuesday, July 12, 2005

And Another

From: Kathleen O'Toole (Sr. Associate, National Church Outreach - Bread for the World)
Subject: IAF and Brian McLAren

now there's an odd couple! Two separate items: 1) I talked to Jonathan Lange this morning. He'll be at the trianing next week. He'll look for you, but if you don't have him as a trainer (they rotate among the sections) definitely look for him. He was my colleague in Baltimore on the living wage campaign and is starting to work in Ohio (he did the voter turnout work for them in the Cleveland area.

2) I was filing and sorting some of your old e-mails and found Brian McLaren "update". Do you think we should order Generous Orthodoxy (or the coming "set" of the "New Kind of Christian" trilogy, for the BFWI library???

Have a great time at the training. THanks again for staying in touch. It's quiet here (blessedly quiet) this week.

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