Monday, May 24, 2004

Exam Hall Games

Teachers have invented a version of the boys' game Battleships to relieve the boredom of invigilating exams, a study claimed yesterday.

They put crosses on a piece of paper marking the position of pupils with 'bad hair'.

The study found some teachers play tag as they move about the room. 'It is just like the real game but without any running,' said a contibuter to an exam antics website set up by the Time Educational Supplement.

The there is the game of 'chicken' in which teachers walk towards each other, the loser being the first to side-step to avoid colliding.

The nastiest game is ugly where a teacher stands beside the least good-looking pupil.

John Dunford, of the Secondary Heads Association, said the games did not bother pupils, whose main concern was the teachers' squeaky shoes.

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