Thursday, February 05, 2004

Word of the Day

censure \SEN-shur\, noun:
1. The act of blaming or finding fault with and condemning as wrong; reprehension; blame.
2. An official reprimand or expression of disapproval.

transitive verb:
1. To find fault with and condemn as wrong; to blame; to criticize severely.
2. To express official disapproval of.

She was tired of their disapproval, the silent censure, their eagerness always to assume the worst.
--Mary McGarry Morris, [1] Fiona Range

But it was the dread news of death from scurvy that dominated headlines. A naval court of inquiry censured Nares for failing to provide his sledge crew with fresh lime juice.
--Leonard F. Guttridge, [2] Ghosts of Cape Sabine

The reason Vinnie was censured and put on probation rather than terminated was the extenuating circumstances of his behavior.
--Robin Cook, [3] Vector

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