Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I Believe in the BBC

AFP - Government considering dismantling BBC

And I believe in the BBC

Click here to find out why.

As IAmZero eloquently puts it, "If Britain's chattering classes are the overwhelming majority of citizens who were disgusted at Blair's insistence on taking us into a war that we did not want, as a lapdog to a blinkered, arrogant superpower, on the basis of 'intelligence' which was clearly no such thing, then I am happy to be a member. What John Gibson seems unable to comprehend is that organisations like the BBC are something to be proud of, because of their willingness to challenge the official party line, and call the government into question. While the 'flag-wearing, US anchors' continue to blindly support the actions of the American government without even pausing to think for a second whether those actions may be questionable, the hope for any kind of balanced discussion fades further into the distance."

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