John Gibson
I never really watched Fox Spews when I was in the US, only when I was craving some sensationalism and there the Superstation wasn't showing one of the Die Hard films that night, but I didn't think it was that bad, fairly innocuous, but harmless in its own way. I mean, who really watches it, right?
So there's this guy over at Fox Spews (owned by Rupert Murdock, who also owns, amongst other things, The Sun newspaper in the UK) who has taken it upon himself to be the voice of the nation - the Fox Spews watching nation that is. His name is John Gibson and he offers two minute sound bites on everything he considers political from how the UK apparently (according to John) hates the US, and how he "has no real beef with [homosexuals]".
John is on record at Fox Spews "My Word" archives as stating that
'Bush doesn't speak well, but ... he does the right thing.
Gore speaks well, and he would have done precisely the wrong thing.'
Apparently, that is the opinion of a pundit on a network which dares call the BBC biased and untruthful.

Know your enemy, this man
is a twunt (in my opinion)
His kind of reporting is at best xenophobic, at worst racial stereotyping. Maybe John would say that the first amendment gives him the right to purge himself of his ludicrous, subjective drivel, but does the first amendment protect one who would make racially-charged statements?
One look at the archive of inane monkey chatter will tell you that the guy isn't worth listening to, yet you know that people will listen to him because they don't know any better.
I like America, I like Americans, but John, it is possible for people to have contrary opinions without thinking that all Americans are idiots, or all of America is stupid. That's a special place we reserve for you and people like you.
So you have a job which probably pays you lots of money to talk crap. Do you think that maybe, just maybe you would get still get paid if you talked through your mouth, instead of the top of your head?
Not on the Fox News network, that's for sure.
That's my word.
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Fun fact: John Gibson was a stand-in for Geraldo Rivera
In honour of John I will now be posting up the dictionary definitions for xenophobe, racist, inane, biased, subjective, prejudiced, and ignorant.
In honour of the BBC I will be posting dictionary definitions to impartial, objective, knowledgeable, moron, sarcasm, and irony.
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