Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Photshopping - or just plain trickery?

Take a look at the following picture, which I have taken from the US government website on Muslims in America ("We have muslims too, they love it here, don't hate us!") -

The country flag keyrings are in this order: Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, USA, Plaestine, Qatar, Saudi, Syria, Sudan, Turkey, Tunisia, Somalia, Armenia, Albania.

They would usually be ordered alphabetically, and given the strong ordering I would suggest that they were, before this picture was taken.

It looks as though USA has been swapped for the Oman place, giving it a more prominent effect in the picture. Albania and Armenia have been relegated to the end (Where USA and Yemen should be) and Somalia has been strangely placed at the end out of the way (it should be between Saudi and Syria). But let's forget about Somalia.

Photoshopping anyone?

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