Thursday, April 15, 2004

Goodbye George

Bush's press conference - White House transcript

Watched the full magilla last night. Bush was almost certainly to wearing an earpiece and being fed information, which cast "you know, I just -- I'm sure something will pop into my head here" in a whole new light. The poor man was screaming for help. None came.

I also love the new storyline, heralded by former FBI director Louis J Freeh in Monday's Wall Street Journal, that provides new backup for the Iraq/terror 'connection' and also explains Bush's failure to act on pre-911 intelligence.

1. Bush wasn't to blame. It was Al Qaeda flying the planes. So they're reponsible. Obviously. Oh and the UK failed, too. Not that Bush did. Fail, that is. So there. (oh, there's more on this point here if you want it.)

2. Now for the biggie: America wasn't on a war footing then, y'see. America needs to be on a war footing to be able to fight - and prevent - terror. Doesn't matter who the war is with, they just need to be on a war footing. Bush used the phrase 'war footing' five times during this press conference, just to be sure that we got the point. Because, gawrsh darn it, he's simple failed to communimicate it properly before.

I also love this:
"We knew they were hiding things -- a country that hides something is a country that is afraid of getting caught." - George W. Bush

But that's just me thinking out loud. For proper analysis what like the pros do, see that filthy liberal rag, the Washington Post.

Plus, we also have the wonderful news that Bush and Sharon have cooked up a plan that solves the Palestinian problem by ignoring Palestinians. Me, I'm waiting for the speech that goes: "We're not building a road map, we're building a road. And roads need bulldozers!"

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