Monday, July 12, 2004

New programming terms

Obfuckate: (v): to take a seemingly working piece of code and implement a supplementary module, thereby rendering it less than useless.

Mork: a developer who frequently calls for help from above; as in “Mork calling Orson”.

Treeview: the need to overcomplicate a simple piece of code with a weighty GUI - “Can’t see the wood for the treeviews.”

dotnetit: (v): “why have one, when you can have two, at three times the price?”

UN resolution: a really great idea for a piece of software, which everybody knows will help business a great deal, but which you know everybody is going to ignore, and use a word/excel mail merge anyway.

war on terror: the act of developing a piece of software, ignoring all defined guidance and well-established practices. “We looked at all of the UN resolutions, then sent our troops in.”

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