Friday, August 25, 2006

Second Life Gets Sexier

If the Second Life Community Convention held last weekend in San Francisco is any sort of barometer, the people who get involved in online worlds are as socially adept and gregarious as anyone else.

The convention brought hundreds of Second Life residents together in person for a few days of panel presentations, field trips and parties. One of those panels was about sex, and I had the opportunity to kick it off with the five-minute version of my "how to have great cybersex" workshop.

Then Rhiannon Chatnoir revealed the truth about weddings and marriage within Second Life, setting the stage for Valadeza Anubis to discuss the benefits and dangers of exploring dominant and submissive play in-world.

If you've had avatar sex in Second Life, you probably have Stroker Serpentine of Strokerz Toys to thank. Stroker, famous for creating avatar genitals and sex animations and other complex in-world sex tech, accepted the microphone in his turn and began simply, "My name is Stroker Serpentine, and I am a pervert." The audience roared its approval.

Finally, qDot Bunnyhug, who is known outside of Second Life as robotics engineer and "intimate interfaces" blogger Kyle Machulis, presented the first open-source interface for controlling sex toys from within the virtual world.

From Wired... rest of article here

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