Friday, January 13, 2006

I've been tagged

The rules (apparently): reveal five weird habits about yourself, and then 'tag' five other bloggers. Here goes:

1. I pick my nose so much it bleeds sometimes.
2. When walking down a road or pavement with a line of bollards on it I have to smack the tops of the bollards. If I need to change direction before reaching the end of the bollards it makes me very anxious. Sometimes I carry on even though I have to go back to go the way I need.
3. I crack my knuckles, my wrists, my ankles, my chest and my neck.
4. I don't tidy up generally, merely arrange things into neat piles for later tidying.
5. Every so often I trawl through the mountain of paperwork in order to sort it and make important documents easier to find. This doesn't actually produce any good results and more often than not I have spent four hours to throw away a half dozen sheets of paper, but it makes me feel good.

Right then, time to tag five other bloggers. I don't know many bloggers, but the one I'll tag is Attu

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