Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nectar - Everyone's a Spinner

What you need to know about the latest Nectar fuck-you-up-the-arse-for-your-email-confirmation-please-don't-block-our-emails-we're-not-spammer-honestly "offer".

What a load of old BOLLOCKS!

Here's what you do: Get one of the freaky Nectars (you remember the animated cartoon family that Nectar claimed was the first of it's kind ever - liars!) to spin the wheel and potentially win a prize.

There are 5651 prizes up for grabs which are split thus: One grand prize (£2074), 5 x 50,000 points (£1250), 30 iPods (£6599.70), 15 digital cameras (£1949.85), 50 x 10,000 points (£2500), 50 DVD Players (£2249.50), 500 x 1,000 points (£2500) and 5000 x 500 points (£12,500)

This makes a total prize fund of £31,623.05

Now that value is RRP, so the actual prize cost to Nectar is much less, but for the sake of argument let's says it's £30,000. Add on the marketing costs, the cost of the mailshot, and the technical cost of the website and competition, this could easily treble the cost. So let's say £100,000 as a nice, round figure. In fact it's probably much more.

But to enter the competition you must validate your email address.

All that effort to validate YOUR email address? I guess they need email addresses badly. Well, actually what they need is for you to validate you email address. They already have it, in fact they already have over 2 MILLION email addresses, but they can't validate all of them. This has caused them problems such as being classed as spammers by some of the email clients (email clients like, but maybe not including msn, hotmail, etc.)

Oh, wait, this just in, I didn't win, quel surprise! (Yes, I know, I played, what a twat!) But I got another email from the Nectards saying:

"Thanks again for playing Everyone's a Spinner. Although you didn't win a top prize we didn't want you to walk away empty-handed"

Aaaargh, they're going to cut my hands off!

No, but they are going to offer me the chance to have 8 FREE rentals at Blockbuster (when you sign up for their Unlimited DVD Rentals)

So I go to the Blockbuster website about this promotion and the first thing I notice is that it doesn't state a price. WAHAY! It must be free? No?

In the "10 reasons to join" it also states that:

3. We’ve got the fastest turnaround times in the UK *
4. We send more new releases per customer per month than anyone else *
6. We send more discs per customer per month than anyone else *

And that little asterix means "* based on mystery shopping survey by Tango Communications"

Ah, a mystery shopping survey, well that's ok then.


Sorry if you read to the end. There isn't much of a point to this. I just wanted to rant. :)

Pool Dominos

Brilliant, brilliant!

Dashboard Mohammed

These are 10oz. ceramic bobbleheads, not cheap plastic. PERFECT stocking stuffers for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts, if you're a twisted freak like me.

Another Spam Scam

Dear friend

I am Mr.alex baker a personal treasurer to Mikhail Khodorkovsky the Richest man in Russia and owner of the following companies: Chairman/CEO:YUKOS OIL (Russian's Largest Oil Company), Chairman/CEO: Menatep SBP Bank (Awell reputable financial institution with its Branches all over the world)

I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$35,000,000 which I seek your Partnership in accommodating for me. You will be rewarded with 20% of the total sum for your partnership. Can you be my partner on this?

As a personal treasurer to him, authority was handedover to me to transfer some money to an American oil merchant for his lastoil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Already the funds have left the shore of Russia to a European private Bank where the final crediting is expected to be carried out. While I was on the process, My Boss got arrested for his Involvement in politics by financing the leading and opposing political parties (the Union of Right Forces, Ledby Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal/social democratic party Led by Gregor Yavlinsky) which poses a treat to President Vladimir Putin's SecondTenure as Russian president.

You can catch more of the story on this website:

All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the abovequoted Sum and I will re-profile the funds with your name, which will enable the European bank transfer the sum to you with the aid of an online bank inLondon. The transaction has to be Concluded before Mikhail Khodorkovsky isout on bail. As Soon as I confirm your readiness to conclude the transaction with me, I will provide you with the details. Please respond to my private email which is:

Thank you very much
alex baker (Mr.)

Go on, drop Alex a line, tell him you love him for his bravado and daring-do.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


No, really, spackers...


110 Shots Fired - 68 Hit

"LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) -- Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the suspect in the killing of a Polk County sheriff's deputy, according to an autopsy and records released by the sheriff's office Saturday."

"You have to understand, he had already shot and killed a deputy, he had already shot and killed a K-9 and he shot and injured another deputy," Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said by phone Saturday. "Quite frankly, we weren't taking any chances."

"Ten SWAT officers surrounded Freeland on Friday as he hid underneath brush and a fallen tree in a rural area. Authorities say he raised Williams' gun at them, prompting nine of the officers to fire."

But, this is my favourite quote, from Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd:

"I suspect the only reason 110 rounds was all that was fired was that's all the ammunition they had"

Silly Lady

"Sorry, but if you had rental properties did it never occur to you to sell them off and realise the equity to help some of your problems?

I can't help but think that the help you have received from the mortgage lenders has come at least partly because you are writing about them on the BBC website. Of course they are more likely to be helpful.

I hardly think this kind of whinging and blogging activity will help the average person in real hardship with debt. You had many more ways out of debt than you seem to have considered."

Read the whole story here